Waff 48: Rep. Will Ainsworth announces run for Lt. Governor

(WAFF) - A third candidate is now running for Alabama's second highest office. State lawmaker Will Ainsworth of Marshall County kicked off his campaign for Lieutenant Governor Saturday.

Ainsworth was elected to the Alabama House of Representatives in 2014. He said this lack of experience as a state lawmaker is a plus, noting that he is not a career politician and someone who won't be afraid to challenge the status quo.

Representative Ainsworth announced his intention to run for Lieutenant Governor before supporters at Gunterville City Hall. Ainsworth, who is a small business owner, said he is a true conservative who is pro-life, pro-gun, against over regulation, and for traditional "one man, one woman" marriage.

"I stand with Donald Trump in wanting to abolish Common Core. I'm pro-life. I believe a marriage is between a man and a woman. And there's not anybody in Montgomery that's going to protect the 2nd Amendment more  than myself. I make my living in the hunting and fishing industry and I'm passionate about that," he said.

Ainsworth, who is on the House Ethics Committee, also touted his willingness to take on fellow lawmakers who don't live up to the public's trust. He said the state capital needs new blood after seeing former House Speaker Mike Hubbard go to prison and former Governor Robert Bentley resign amid scandal.

"We've got a problem with corruption in Montgomery. The political elites are trying to run our state and I've got a history of fighting corruption. I signed the impeachment articles against the governor, I introduced term limit legislation and you're not going to find anybody that's tougher on corruption in Montgomery than Will Ainsworth.".

Ainsworth is the third Republican to enter the race for Lieutenant Governor. State Board of Education member Mary Scott Hunter of Madison County and State Senator Rusty Glover of Mobile County announced their candidacies earlier this month.

The primary is on June 5th of next year.

Read the story here.