AL Reporter: Ainsworth launches campaign with down-home flair, commitment to ethics, jobs, and reform

On Saturday evening, a packed house at Guntersville City Hall celebrated with State Rep. Will Ainsworth as he announced his candidacy for Lieutenant Governor. He said, “After a lot of prayer, and a lot of council, it’s time for a new day in Alabama, and I’m excited to announce my candidacy for Lieutenant Governor of Alabama.”

Ainsworth represents a new wave of young lawmakers, not looking for a job but wanting to make a difference. “I’m not a career politician, and I don’t play by their rules. Running for Lt. Governor isn’t about a career or making a living for me, this is about what kind of Alabama we’re going to pass on to the next generation.”‘

During his announcement, Ainsworth said job one is to fight public corruption in Montgomery. He also emphasized his commitment to improving Alabama’s economy by creating good paying jobs, and business opportunities by limiting government intrusion.

Ainsworth is a political newcomer serving his first term as Representative for Marshall, Dekalb, and Blount Counties. He confidently touts his wiliness to stand up to powerful special interests and corrupt elite politicians like former Speaker Mike Hubbard, who was convicted on 12 counts of felony public corruption.

Fellow Marshall County lawmaker State Senator Clay Scofield served as Master of Ceremonies for the event and praised Ainsworth saying, “Will is not a member of the establishment, and I’m very proud to say that. I have seen and watched Will work diligently at making our District here all the better.”

Ainsworth’s parents Sharon and Billy who are pillars of the Guntersville community, were on hand to support their son, as were his wife Kendall’s family who made “Make Alabama Great Again” hats.

Ainsworth acknowledged his father’s contribution by raising him to be a strong, conservative Christian saying, “I learned from him about faith, I learned from him about family, I learned about hard work from him.” He also recognized his mother’s community involvement and passion for children and pro-life issues: “Ya’ll know my mom, Sharon. She has such a passion for the gospel; she has a passion for life. She’s devoted her life to Marshall County, to telling people about life, about adoption, and how abortion is wrong, and life begins at conception.”

He glowed when speaking about his wife and three young children, “She’s a great mom, she’s a rock in our family, and she prays every day for our future. I couldn’t ask for a better wife,” added Ainsworth.

During his announcement speech, he confirmed his commitment to tough, Ethics laws and his belief that term limits are necessary. “We’ve got a major ethics problem in Montgomery right now. My faith guides my ethics. And I have fought against Montgomery every day since I’ve been down there,” said Ainsworth. “I signed impeachment articles with the Governor. I introduced term limits Legislation. I introduced recall Legislation to hold elected officials accountable,” Ainsworth continued.

Currently, State Board of Education Representative Mary Scott Hunter and State Senator Rusty Glover have announced their intentions to seek the Lieutenant Governor’s office.

Hunter is embroiled in a scandal involving her alleged role in the last Superintendent’s election. Glover, who signaled his bid for the office over a year ago, has been slow getting off the starting block.

Read the article here.